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Inside Ethiopia: A talk with the journalist Amir Aman Kiyaro

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With around 110 million inhabitants, Ethiopia is the second most populated country in Africa and one of the continent's political heavyweights. Although large parts of the population live in poverty, Ethiopia was internationally recognized as a model of hopeful development in Africa thanks to its dynamic economic growth. But today, Ethiopia has increasingly become a factor of insecurity. Wars in Tigray and the Amhara region, serious human rights violations and numerous political conflicts in other parts of the country and with neighbor states are contributing to this situation of instability.

Amir Aman Kiyaro has been reporting for more than three years as a freelance journalist for the Associated Press (AP) on the armed conflicts in Ethiopia's Tigray region.

Dr. Gerrit Kurtz is a researcher in the Research Division on Africa and the Middle East at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP).

Together with Amir Aman Kiyaro and Dr. Gerrit Kurtz, we will discuss the latest developments of the conflict and the current political situation in Ethiopia, focusing on the consequences for the population and the press workers. We will take a closer look at the country's perspectives and talk about the possible role of Europe and Germany in its future.

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Förderungsart: Politische Bildung (HH) Förderung Kurse 2024 (Landeszentrale für politische Bildung)
Unterrichtsart: Präsenzunterricht

Zeiten, Orte

Für dieses Angebot ist momentan eine Zeit bzw. Ort bekannt:

19:00 - 20:15 Uhr
1 Tag Abends
kostenlos Schauenburgerstraße 49
20095 Hamburg-Altstadt


Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. - Julius-Leber-Forum
Schauenburgerstraße 49
20095 Hamburg-Altstadt
Tel: 040 / 32 58 74 - 20
Fax: 040 / 32 58 74 - 30
Kontakt: Dietmar Molthagen

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W.H.S.B. Weiterbildung Hamburg Service und Beratung gemeinnützige GmbH
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Tel: 040 / 280 84 666
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Mo-Do: 10-18 Uhr, Fr: 9-17 Uhr